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At CJCC, we are committed to fostering a community-centric atmosphere that celebrates participation and inclusiveness in junior cricket. Our age-based grading system, coupled with tailored game formats, ensures that every player enjoys a positive and friendly sporting experience.



Enjoyment is at the heart of our mission. We understand the direct correlation between the pleasure players derive from cricket and their long-term engagement in the sport. By fostering a positive, enthusiastic, and competitive environment, we aim to maximize participation and enjoyment at every level of junior cricket.

Group of boys smiling and showing how pumped they are for the camera.

Guaranteed Participation

Starting with the Woolworths Cricket Blast for ages 5-9, every player is guaranteed equal participation. This ensures that even as players progress to more competitive levels, opportunities remain balanced, with each player getting a chance to bat or bowl in every game.

A group of blasters and coaches running around having fun.


Safety is paramount in all sports, particularly junior cricket. At CJCC, we adhere strictly to Cricket Australia's safety guidelines as outlined in the 'Well Played' document. Our game formats, equipment, and facilities are all designed with the physical, mental, and social well-being of our players in mind.

Two girls together in their pads and helmets.


Our cricket formats are specifically designed to align with the developmental stages of players aged 5 to 17. These structured formats are applied consistently across all CJCC Member Associations/Councils, ensuring a cohesive and developmental progression for all players.

A whole grade photo with a range of ages and abilities.

Our Commitment to Governance Exellence

The Community Junior Cricket Council is dedicated to upholding and refining our governance to ensure it meets best practices and supports the future of junior cricket. We're focused on creating a transparent, effective framework that benefits everyone in our community—from players to spectators. For an in-depth look at our efforts and to view the latest updates, explore our Governance Review Project.

Meet our Committee

Our dedicated committee members drive the CJCC's mission forward. Each member brings unique expertise and passion to our community, ensuring that CJCC remains a leader in promoting junior cricket across the Perth metropolitan area. Here are the key figures making a difference:


Margie Oldfield

Vice Chairperson

Rebecca McLennan

Statewide Game Development Delegate

Margie Oldfield


Cameron Schuster

CJCA Delegate

Chris Williams

MGJCA Delegate

Mark Ozanne

NWMCA Delegate

Daniel Shorthill

PJCA Delegate

Kim Betley

SEMJCC Delegate

Simon Mead

SWMJCC Delegate

Cameron Schuster

CJCC Administrator

Debbie Beresford

WACA Affiliate Services Specialist

Chris Payne

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